Cookies Policy

At AI.F, we utilize “Cookies” and similar technologies to enhance your online experience by providing personalized information, relevant advertisements, and storing preferences on your computer. Cookies are small pieces of data that websites store on a visitor’s computer, which are sent back to the website by the visitor’s browser upon each return.

How We Use Cookies:

Cookies are crucial in helping AI.F identify and track visitors, monitor website usage, and understand user preferences. While visitors can configure their browsers to reject cookies if they choose not to have them placed on their computers, it’s important to note that certain features of our website may not function correctly without cookies.
By browsing our website without changing your cookie settings, you acknowledge and consent to AI.F’s use of cookies to enhance your online experience.

Third-Party Pixels and Cookies for US Visitors:

In addition to our use of cookies, AI.F and its partners may employ pixels, pixel names, cookies, and similar technologies to collect information from your device and web browser. Our third-party collaborators may combine this data with other information, potentially identifying your email address or other progressively identifiable information.
Even when the data lacks identifiable details, our third-party providers have the capability to match it with other data to identify your email address or other progressively identifiable data. For example, cookies may contain de-identified statistics related to information you intentionally shared with us, such as your email address, shared with data providers in a non-human-identifiable form.

Your Consent:

By using our services, you consent to AI.F and our third-party providers storing, utilizing, and combining (i) non-identifiable data we share or (ii) progressively identifiable data as described above.
We and/or our partners may also use this data to send you promotional emails. This information helps us track visitors to our advertising partners’ websites and send personalized emails based on their interests.
We and/or our partners use cookies, pixels, and other technologies to associate Internet-related information (such as IP addresses and web browsers) with online activities, refining promotions and content. This data may be shared with our partners.
AI.F is committed to providing you with a seamless and personalized online experience, and cookies will help us achieve that goal.
If you have any questions or concerns about our Cookies Policy, please feel free to contact us.